Linkit 7697 + IMU 10DOF v2.0 研讀紀錄(一)
Linkit 7697 + IMU 10DOF v2.0 研讀紀錄(二):I2Cdev::readBites()

處理完MPU9250 connection failed的問題以後,接下來再回到感測器本身。根據最小添加的原則,這次我們只增加三軸的部分。在IMU_10DOF_V2_Test的範例程式碼中,三軸資料使用getAccel_Data(void)這支副程式取得。

void getAccel_Data(void)
    accelgyro.getMotion9(&ax, &ay, &az, &gx, &gy, &gz, &mx, &my, &mz);
    Axyz[0] = (double) ax / 16384;
    Axyz[1] = (double) ay / 16384;
    Axyz[2] = (double) az / 16384;


int16_t ax, ay, az; //儲存三軸輸出,16位元
int16_t gx, gy, gz;
int16_t   mx, my, mz;

float Axyz[3];  //正規化輸出,使單位為g。因為前面初始化設定的時候使用+-2G作為最大輸出,
                //所以輸出範圍就是4g,輸出刻度有2^16 = 65536,因此Axyz[0] = ax / 65536 / 4
                //範例程式碼直接用Axyz[0] = ax / 16384,這會害人,如果使用者自行更改最大輸出範圍時。

這裡int16_t gx, gy, gz;
int16_t mx, my, mz;



/** Get raw 9-axis motion sensor readings (accel/gyro/compass).
 * @param ax 16-bit signed integer container for accelerometer X-axis value
 * @param ay 16-bit signed integer container for accelerometer Y-axis value
 * @param az 16-bit signed integer container for accelerometer Z-axis value
 * @param gx 16-bit signed integer container for gyroscope X-axis value
 * @param gy 16-bit signed integer container for gyroscope Y-axis value
 * @param gz 16-bit signed integer container for gyroscope Z-axis value
 * @param mx 16-bit signed integer container for magnetometer X-axis value
 * @param my 16-bit signed integer container for magnetometer Y-axis value
 * @param mz 16-bit signed integer container for magnetometer Z-axis value
 * @see getMotion6()
 * @see getAcceleration()
 * @see getRotation()
 * @see MPU9250_RA_ACCEL_XOUT_H
void MPU9250::getMotion9(int16_t* ax, int16_t* ay, int16_t* az, int16_t* gx, int16_t* gy, int16_t* gz, int16_t* mx, int16_t* my, int16_t* mz) {
	//get accel and gyro
	getMotion6(ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz);
	//read mag
	I2Cdev::writeByte(devAddr, MPU9250_RA_INT_PIN_CFG, 0x02); //set i2c bypass enable pin to true to access magnetometer
	I2Cdev::writeByte(MPU9150_RA_MAG_ADDRESS, 0x0A, 0x01); //enable the magnetometer
	I2Cdev::readBytes(MPU9150_RA_MAG_ADDRESS, MPU9150_RA_MAG_XOUT_L, 6, buffer);
	*mx = (((int16_t)buffer[1]) << 8) | buffer[0];
    *my = (((int16_t)buffer[3]) << 8) | buffer[2];
    *mz = (((int16_t)buffer[5]) << 8) | buffer[4];		

註解裡面就很清楚寫了:”FUNCTION NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED YET.”,如果直接用這個function來實作系統功能,那心臟要夠大才行。



void getMotion6(int16_t* ax, int16_t* ay, int16_t* az, int16_t* gx, int16_t* gy, int16_t* gz);
void getAcceleration(int16_t* x, int16_t* y, int16_t* z);
int16_t getAccelerationX();
int16_t getAccelerationY();
int16_t getAccelerationZ();


void MPU9250::getMotion6(int16_t* ax, int16_t* ay, int16_t* az, int16_t* gx, int16_t* gy, int16_t* gz) {
    I2Cdev::readBytes(devAddr, MPU9250_RA_ACCEL_XOUT_H, 14, buffer);
    *ax = (((int16_t)buffer[0]) << 8) | buffer[1];
    *ay = (((int16_t)buffer[2]) << 8) | buffer[3];
    *az = (((int16_t)buffer[4]) << 8) | buffer[5];
    *gx = (((int16_t)buffer[8]) << 8) | buffer[9];
    *gy = (((int16_t)buffer[10]) << 8) | buffer[11];
    *gz = (((int16_t)buffer[12]) << 8) | buffer[13];


/** Get 3-axis accelerometer readings.
* These registers store the most recent accelerometer measurements.
* Accelerometer measurements are written to these registers at the Sample Rate
* as defined in Register 25.
* The accelerometer measurement registers, along with the temperature
* measurement registers, gyroscope measurement registers, and external sensor
* data registers, are composed of two sets of registers: an internal register
* set and a user-facing read register set.
* The data within the accelerometer sensors’ internal register set is always
* updated at the Sample Rate. Meanwhile, the user-facing read register set
* duplicates the internal register set’s data values whenever the serial
* interface is idle. This guarantees that a burst read of sensor registers will
* read measurements from the same sampling instant. Note that if burst reads
* are not used, the user is responsible for ensuring a set of single byte reads
* correspond to a single sampling instant by checking the Data Ready interrupt.
* Each 16-bit accelerometer measurement has a full scale defined in ACCEL_FS
* (Register 28). For each full scale setting, the accelerometers’ sensitivity
* per LSB in ACCEL_xOUT is shown in the table below:
* <pre>
* AFS_SEL | Full Scale Range | LSB Sensitivity
* ——–+——————+—————-
* 0 | +/- 2g | 8192 LSB/mg
* 1 | +/- 4g | 4096 LSB/mg
* 2 | +/- 8g | 2048 LSB/mg
* 3 | +/- 16g | 1024 LSB/mg
* </pre>
* @param x 16-bit signed integer container for X-axis acceleration
* @param y 16-bit signed integer container for Y-axis acceleration
* @param z 16-bit signed integer container for Z-axis acceleration
* @see MPU9250_RA_GYRO_XOUT_H




I2C (0x68) reading 14 bytes from 0x3B...
ARDUINO version = 10805
F1 A4 1C F8 35 50 F 0 FF 6A 0 5E FF E9. Done (14 read).
Acceleration(g) of X,Y,Z:
use millis: 31
I2C (0x68) reading 6 bytes from 0x3B...
ARDUINO version = 10805
F1 80 1D 10 35 B0. Done (6 read).
Acceleration(g) of X,Y,Z:
use millis: 26

把debug mode拿掉再測一次

Acceleration(g) of X,Y,Z:
use millis: 0
Acceleration(g) of X,Y,Z:
use millis: 0

所以讀寫一次I2C bus的時間在 1ms以內。如果用400kHz的I2C線路速率來算,一次交換大概讀取20個bytes來算,每次的存取時間大約是0.4ms左右。

最後三軸的硬體上的更新速率(sample rate)應該是1kHz,這個數字是從文獻上看來的,還未從晶片上確認。我們在軟體上的讀取速率不應該超過1kHz。


int16_t ax, ay, az; //儲存三軸輸出,16位元
int16_t gx, gy, gz;

float Axyz[3];  //正規化輸出,使單位為g。因為前面初始化設定的時候使用+-2G作為最大輸出,
                //所以輸出範圍就是4g,輸出刻度有2^16 = 65536,因此Axyz[0] = ax / 65536 / 4
                //範例程式碼直接用Axyz[0] = ax / 16384,這會害人,如果使用者自行更改最大輸出範圍時。 
float Gxyz[3];

void get_Acc_Gyro_Data(void)
    accelgyro.getMotion6(&ax, &ay, &az, &gx, &gy, &gz);
    Axyz[0] = (double) ax / 16384;
    Axyz[1] = (double) ay / 16384;
    Axyz[2] = (double) az / 16384;
    Gxyz[0] = (double) gx * 250 / 32768;
    Gxyz[1] = (double) gy * 250 / 32768;
    Gxyz[2] = (double) gz * 250 / 32768;



This Post Has One Comment

  1. Eric

    想請問,該如何加快 i2c 的速度到 400k 呢?因
